var _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____ = function(name) {return (self._wb_wombat && self._wb_wombat.local_init && self._wb_wombat.local_init(name)) || self[name]; }; if (!self.__WB_pmw) { self.__WB_pmw = function(obj) { this.__WB_source = obj; return this; } } { let window = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("window"); let self = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("self"); let document = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("document"); let location = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("location"); let top = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("top"); let parent = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("parent"); let frames = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("frames"); let opener = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("opener"); var FormCheckMax = new Class({ Extends: FormCheck, Implements: Options, /* Function: addError Private method Add error message */ addError : function(obj) { //determine position //var coord = ? : obj.getCoordinates(); var coord; if( && typeOf($( != 'null') { coord = $(; } else { coord = obj.getCoordinates(); } if(!obj.element && this.options.display.indicateErrors != 0) { if (this.options.display.errorsLocation == 1) { var pos = (this.options.display.tipsPosition == 'left') ? coord.left : coord.right; var options = { 'opacity' : 0, 'position' : 'absolute', 'float' : 'left', 'left' : pos + this.options.display.tipsOffsetX }; obj.element = new Element('div', {'class' : this.options.tipsClass, 'styles' : options}).injectInside(document.body); this.addPositionEvent(obj); } else if (this.options.display.errorsLocation == 2){ obj.element = new Element('div', {'class' : this.options.errorClass, 'styles' : {'opacity' : 0}}).injectBefore(obj); } else if (this.options.display.errorsLocation == 3){ obj.element = new Element('div', {'class' : this.options.errorClass, 'styles' : {'opacity' : 0}}); //hack for position if($chk('error-message-'+obj.get('name').replace(/\[\]/, '')))){ obj.element.inject('error-message-'+obj.get('name').replace(/\[\]/, ''))); }else{ if ($type( == 'object' || $type( == 'collection') obj.element.injectAfter([]); else obj.element.injectAfter(obj); } //end hack } } if (obj.element && obj.element != true) { obj.element.empty(); //hack for title if($chk(obj.get('title'))){ obj.errors = [obj.get('title')]; } //end hack if (this.options.display.errorsLocation == 1) { var errors = []; obj.errors.each(function(error) { errors.push(new Element('p').set('html', error)); }); var tips = this.makeTips(errors).injectInside(obj.element); if(this.options.display.closeTipsButton) { tips.getElements('a.close').addEvent('mouseup', function(){ this.removeError(obj, 'tip'); }.bind(this)); } obj.element.setStyle('top', - tips.getCoordinates().height + this.options.display.tipsOffsetY); } else { obj.errors.each(function(error) { new Element('p').set('html',error).injectInside(obj.element); }); } if (!this.options.display.fadeDuration || Browser.Engine.trident && Browser.Engine.version == 5 && this.options.display.errorsLocation < 2) { obj.element.setStyle('opacity', 1); } else { obj.fx = new Fx.Tween(obj.element, { 'duration' : this.options.display.fadeDuration, 'ignore' : true, 'onStart' : function(){ this.fxRunning = true; }.bind(this), 'onComplete' : function() { this.fxRunning = false; if (obj.element && obj.element.getStyle('opacity').toInt() == 0) { obj.element.destroy(); obj.element = false; } }.bind(this) }); if(obj.element.getStyle('opacity').toInt() != 1) obj.fx.start('opacity', 1); } } if (this.options.display.addClassErrorToField && !obj.isChild){ obj.addClass(this.options.fieldErrorClass); obj.element = obj.element || true; } } }); } /* FILE ARCHIVED ON 13:21:24 Nov 04, 2018 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 11:24:26 Aug 01, 2021. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY WAYBACK MACHINE, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ /* playback timings (ms): captures_list: 132.949 exclusion.robots: 0.084 exclusion.robots.policy: 0.078 RedisCDXSource: 3.913 esindex: 0.007 LoadShardBlock: 112.883 (3) PetaboxLoader3.datanode: 121.835 (4) CDXLines.iter: 14.613 (3) load_resource: 63.253 PetaboxLoader3.resolve: 24.054 */